
Welcome to Jussbuss!

Jussbuss is a free legal aid clinic run by students. We accept new cases by phone, personal attendance or electronic submission. You will find more information below. We unfortunately do not accept contact by e-mail, and that such inquiries will be ignored at our office.

Jussbuss has summer hours from the 8th of June until the 5th of August, and will have different opening hours during this period.

The next case reception is:

Monday the 1st of July, between 4 pm and 7 pm

Tuesday the 2nd of July, between 10 am and 3 pm

Existing clients and prison inmates can reach us during these hours:

Mondays between 12 pm and 7 pm.

Tuesdays to Fridays, between 10 am and 3 pm

Opening hours

Jussbuss accepts new cases on at the following time every week:

Monday: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

You can contact us by phone or meet up at our office.

Phone: (+47) 22 84 29 00
Address: Skippergata 23, 0154 Oslo

Upload documents

If you have an open case with us, and have been asked to send us any documents, please press "upload documents".

If you have been asked to submit a power of attorney you can use the template below.

Power of attorney (pdf)

Upload documents

Submit a new case electronically

You can contact us electronically by pressing "new case". Cases submitted electronically will not be processed until the next ordinary case acceptance. 

If you need to submit a new case on behalf of someone else, we need authorization from the person to whom the case applies, before we can save the case information. Please use the power of attorney template below and upload the power of attorney as an attachment to the case.

Power of Attorney: submit a new case (pdf)

New Case