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Annual General Meeting 2024

On May 28th, 2024, UiODoc will host its Annual General Meeting (AGM). As UiODoc is the interest organization of all PhD and Postdoctoral fellows at UiO, we invite you all for this meeting. The UiODoc organization is run by a board of 10 people, and the 2024-2025 board will be elected on May 28! You can run for a position yourself or just vote on the candidates! It's also an opportunity to discover more about UiODoc's initiatives, share your input on our agenda, engage in discussions, or simply enjoy the afternoon with colleagues and delicious food. We look forward to your presence!


UiODoc's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a yearly event, scheduled for May 28th, 2024. We invite UiODoc's members, all PhDs and postdocs at UiO, to participate actively in this meeting! Your input and engagement are vital to shaping our initiatives and future plans.


During the AGM, the current UiODoc Board members will:

  • Provide a detailed introduction to UiODoc
  • Report on past activities, including the representation of PhD and Postdoctoral Fellows in University forums, organized events and finances
  • Present and discuss upcoming plans, including upcoming events
  • Propose adjustments to UiODoc's statutes
  • Conduct elections for the UiODoc Board for the 2024-2025 term
  • Facilitate an open discussion on any concerns or suggestions you may have as a PhD or postdoc at UiO, regarding university administration, working conditions, or ideas for social and career activities tailored to our community.

Please find the official agenda here.

We will have the AGM mainly physically at the  U1 bar-cafe, but we will try to do a hybrid set up if possible. Please let us know at if you want to join, but can only do so remotely, and we will be in contact with you with more details on how to join online.

Join the board!

For the academic year of 2024-2025, we are looking for candidates who would like to be part of the UiODoc executive board and are keen to contribute to our common goal of making life better and easier for temporary employees at UiO. Please find the board positions, responsibilities and tasks here. You can also check out the documents from previous meetings as well as our statutes of the board on our website. The board term will start in June 2024 and end in May 2025. If you have any questions about becoming a Board Member or have ideas for our events or our agenda, you can contact the current board at

❓"What if I can't come at the AGM, can I still run?"  - YES

If you decide to run for one of the positions, you will have to give a short pitch at the AGM (<60s) introducing yourself and explaining how you are fit for the role. If you want to run for one of the positions but you cannot attend the AGM physically, you have the option of introducing yourself in a short video which can be sent at

❓"What if I am away a lot for my research, can I still run for a position?"  - YES

The board has monthly meetings, but they can be set up in hybrid format. If you will not be physically in Oslo a lot, we recommend looking into the Treasurer, PR officer and Representation officer roles, which can also be done remotely.

Note about Representation officer role: if you are interested in gathering member data (surveys, social media), this can be done remotely. Joining different forums and meetings with UiO administration cannot. 


To ensure a smooth event, please register in advance by May 23th:

Following the formal proceedings, we'll enjoy dinner and have the opportunity to network with fellow PhDs and postdocs from across UiO.

We look forward to your participation and meaningful contributions to our AGM.


Published Apr. 11, 2024 3:21 PM - Last modified May 26, 2024 6:33 PM