Job offer from UiO

Congratulations on the job offer from UiO!

Who to contact for support with the job offer?

The Tekna main office has information on how to proceed to negotiate your salary and offer legal services to review the job contract. You may also contact the (volunteer) contact points for your respective position type in the Tekna group at UiO (Tekna-UiO). Or contact our Akademikerne-UiO office which has three full-time positions for assisting our members at UiO.

What is the starting salary to expect?

The Tekna group at UiO has prepared an overview of average salary rates at UiO. The Tekna main office has more detailed and richer salary statistics than we have access to. While the Tekna overview is not easily available, you might find the corresponding openly available salary statistics from Forskerforbundet useful to consult.

Can I decline the job offer?

We normally always recommend that you try to negotiate the starting salary! We also recommend declining the offer if you do not agree with the terms. Our experience shows that members seeking employment outside of the universities even while inside the government sector receive significantly higher paygrade offers. (We are currently preparing a brief report to document this situation).

Publisert 19. apr. 2022 07:58 - Sist endret 19. apr. 2022 07:58