LinkedIn for Career Growth Workshop

Please join us to learn how to promote yourself using LinkedIn with a detailed hands-on workshop. You can bring an up to date CV to use. 

The workshop will be given by Dr Girish Kedar, who is an entrepeneur and career coach as well as a neuroscientist. 

Coffee and tea will be served :) 

Before this workshop, there is also an open lecture on CVs and Cover letters, for more information please visit this page. 

Please register here ASAP as we have limited spaces:

Part 1:
Name: TWO’S funnel Analysis- Design your own career path
Total Duration: 45min
Purpose: Design tailor-made career path
Details of Workshop:
1. The aim is to specifically find the right career path for you.
2. Design the strategy based on your personal and professional strengths and weakness.
3. Strategies to save time and energy to focus on specific career goals
4. Life-long strategy. Can be used every time when ready for next career opportunity.

Part 2:
Name: Unknown and Unthought ways of using LinkedIn for career growth.
Total Duration: 1.5+ hour
Purpose: Using unique strategies and tools to Connect, converse and influence decision makers
Details of Workshop:
1. Developing you as a “Brand full of Asset” rather than “Applicant with liability”.
2. Building high value LinkedIn profile a. Photo suggestion
b. Designation change to catch the attention
c. Profile Summary
d. Experience, Education, Accomplishments, Recommendations, Skills
e. Smart way to increase endorsements
f. Efficient Networking
3. Connect and influence Decision Makers
a. Smart way to increasing number of High-Profile Decision makers (at least 5 times higher than current)
b. Systematically approach, connect and influence each Decision maker
c. Make those Decision makers engage with you online
d. Increasing skills and endorsement in Smart way
4. Prepare you for the first encounter with the Decision maker who has a job offer for you

Postdocs are very welcome to attend :)




Published Nov. 28, 2019 11:24 AM - Last modified Nov. 28, 2019 11:51 AM