Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Annual General Meeting is an important event open to all our members (PhD, Postdoctoral fellows and other temporary academic staff)! This is where we present the work UiODoc did in the previous year, but more importantly, where the UiODoc executive board is elected every year!

Please join us on May 28 for the 2024 AGM!

The general meeting is a great opportunity to learn more about UiODoc’s work and mission, and to influence our future plans. It is also a good place to meet like-minded doctoral researchers from all of the university units.

At the meeting, we will offer an introduction to UiODoc, report on our activities from the last year, present and discuss plans for future events, discuss proposals to change UiODoc’s statutes and elect the board that will represent our organization for the following academic year, until the next general assembly. Of course, any PhD and postdoc at UiO is eligible to run for our elections.

Finally, we are very interested in hearing your ideas and opinions about PhD life at the University of Oslo – do you have issues with the university administration or working conditions, or do you have suggestions for social and career activities aimed at PhDs or postdocs? – So feel free to bring these up at our meeting!

If you are interested in becoming a board member or have ideas for our agenda, you can contact us at You can also check out the documents from previous meetings as well as description of the board roles on our website.