How can Tekna-UiO ensure my individual salary increase?

Many of you ask us how Teknas group at UiO can ensure their individual salary increase.

Formally, it is correct as your HR representatives tell you that the actual salary development in an already established employment contract at UiO is always between the employer and the union as intermediate (paragraph 2.5.1 annually, or 2.5.3 if qualifying).
Notice that it is always the employer (UiO through your nearest supervisor) who is responsible for your individual salary! The union always looks at larger trends and salary development across all employees/members, while the employer is always responsible for setting correct individual salary levels. Your most important tool for salary development is thus always the "salary talk" with your nearest supervisor. For the annual 2.5.1 salary negotiations, your union representative will always ask if you have made a salary talk and what was the outcome before negotiating your salary with the employer. Tekna-UiO is part of a formal collaboration under our main organization Akademikerne-UiO. An individual salary claim through the union is thus always made through the web form managed by Akademikernbe-UiO. We recommend that you always secure good support for your salary claim through the "salary talk"!
Notice that Tekna-UiO does not have any resources (working hours) to assist in person an individual member through a "salary talk", however, our main organization Akademikerne-UiO does have some working hours allocated for supporting members at UiO. Some of the members of Tekna-UiO have some of these working hours allocated through Akademikerne-UiO. You may contact the mailing list or with a request for in-person individual support. However, inviting a union representative to a salary talk might sometimes be seen as confrontational by the employer.
When your salary level is below average, and you are getting a new research funding contract, you will normally have a very good argument for a paragraph 2.5.3 salary negotiation on the basis of major changes in work conditions or based on major achievements! This should be a topic for your salary talk!
Publisert 14. sep. 2021 09:35 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2021 09:35