Tapas outreach

UiODoc invites all PhD candidates and postdocs to tapas, to let you all know about our organisation.

UiODoc, the interest organization for PhD candidates and postdocs and other recruitment positions in research at UiO invites you to tapas at Uglebo in Sophus Bugges hus at Blindern Tuesday September 3 at 4.00 pm to communicate who we are and to give you the opportunity to tell us what you wish our work should be about when representing you and promoting your interests concerning your work situation.

This will none the less be a nice social event for all to meet people in similar situations and share experiences and hook up. Join in and spread the word to you colleagues and fellow students.

See the invite for more information and remember to sign up at our facebook page within Friday August 30th so we know how much food to order:

Hope to see you there!

Tags: social
Published Nov. 9, 2014 7:06 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2014 7:07 PM