PhD Breakfast Club: How to Make Better Posters

In this edition of the PhD (and Postdoc :) ) Breakfast Club, we will discuss how to perfect your poster presentations. 

Free Breakfast included so sign up below. Start your day well!

There are a few principles in design and a few traits of the scientific poster that are key factors to successfully communicating your science through a poster. In this seminar you will get a brief overview over basic design principles that are useful to keep in mind in the process - seen from a scientists' perspective.


Karoline Moe holds a PhD in mathematics and has been working with graphics design, communication, research and teaching in mathematics at the Science Library, UiO, since 2013.


Postdocs are very welcome to attend :)

Please register here as we are providing a free breakfast: 


Published Sep. 17, 2019 3:02 PM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2019 3:04 PM