PhD Breakfast Club: Collaboration and self-insight - Exploring your best and worst qualities

This edition of the PhD and Postdoc Breakfast Club will help with job applications within and beyond academia. :)

Free Breakfast included so SIGN UP ON THE REGISTRATION LINK!

Many future jobs will require you to collaborate well in teams, adapt to changing roles and situations, and to keep learning as you go. All these abilities require good self-awareness and listening skills.

In this session we therefore invite you to explore and expand your awareness of your current qualifications, skills and hidden super powers, and of which situations bring out the best and worst in you. What skills might you need to practice more or add to your repertoire? How can you bolster your tolerance for kryptonite - or at least be able to give some sort of meaningful answer to the age old interview question: "What are your negative qualities?" If you participated in the very first Breakfast Club meeting you will recognize many elements in this presentation, but hopefully you have also acquired some new skills and self-insights since then, so welcome to another round!


About the speaker:

Koyote Millar works as a Senior Adviser for the University of Oslo's Department of Administrative Support, these days mostly with project management, process facilitation and various forms of coaching. They have a background in social anthropology, philosophy and gender studies, a long involvement with yoga and meditation, and a love of learning. In addition to working for UiO, Koyote is a practicing Gestalt Therapist and singer-songwriter. They occasionally subject willing listeners to their songs, poems and stories, and the use of gender neutral pronouns. You need not fear singing, group hugs or embarrassing collective rituals during this presentation.

Postdocs are very welcome to attend :)

Please register here as we are providing a free breakfast:


Published May 14, 2019 5:34 PM - Last modified May 14, 2019 5:34 PM