PhD and PostDoc Afternoon Tea

In this special edition of PhD and PostDoc afternoon tea, we as UiODoc have arranged a talk in regards to stress management and mental health for PhD and postdocs at UiO. Therefore, we invited Linda Therese Sørensen Westgaard who is an Adviser in  Studies Section, and Ilan Villanger  Senior Adviser from Studies Section to give a talk about PhD and PostDoc's struggles with "work-life balance” which dives into psychosocial well-being aspects.

 "I thought all I had to worry about was science" ~ PhD candidate pressure to perform, meet rising expectations and work at optimum levels all the time is what we have learned is part of many PhD and PostDoc everyday life. Many PhDs and Postdocs spend so much time in a stressed state that they have forgotten what it feels like to be fully relaxed and alert. Being stressed out is the new normal. That's why stress management is so important.

In this talk, we would like to present different tools to manage high-stress levels and reset the alarm system and of course address the importance of work-life balance. Linda and Ilan work in ForVei at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences. ForVei is a personal counselling program for all students admitted to a study program at the MN Faculty. The main goal is for students and PhDs to enjoy being enrolled on our faculty and to acquire a sense of achievement. As providers of mental health services, students, PhDs and Postdocs are reaching out to us in need of support and development of cognitive and emotional skills to cope with life's challenges.

As a ritual, we ask that you register for the PPBC via the online form to help with catering expectations. We look forward to seeing you there!


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Published May 3, 2022 5:31 PM - Last modified May 3, 2022 5:31 PM