On Being a Scientist

UiODoc is pleased to invite all PhD candidates, Postdocs, and other temporary researchers to a public screening of "On Being a Scientist”, a fictional movie about research integrity.

We will provide FREE pizza, and affordable beverages in the bar at Escape.

Please RSVP via nettskjema before the 24th of October so that we can secure plenty of pizza!

Read more about On Being A Scientist

Besides dealing with big questions like "what is science", the movie aims to be a starting point for discussions regarding the "grey areas" of science ethics on topics such as authorship and use of scientific methods.

"It does not provide clear-cut answers or step-by-step solutions but instead invites students to reflect upon these cases themselves," the Netherlands Research Integrity Network points out.

The Manuscript is developed from certain learning goals, and the movie is divided into nine parts, each addressing different topics. The movie is openly available on Youtube but we hope you want to Escape the sometime lonely process of doing research and socialize with fellow researchers.

Published Oct. 16, 2017 8:43 AM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2017 9:50 AM