UiODOC Virtual Writing Seminar: June Edition

In June, UiODOC will repeat the success of the Virtual Writing Seminar earlier this Spring. From Monday 22nd June, UiODOC will host a 5-day online writing seminar in collaboration with Mathew Stiller-Reeve (PhD) and Åsmund H. Eikenses (PhD). The seminar will provide a virtual space for PhDs and postdocs to meet up, learn and discuss writing. This virtual space will be packed with useful activities like:

-Lectures on writing skills

-Brain warm-up exercises

-Shut-up-and-write sessions

-Small discussion group meetings

All activities will take place on Zoom so please make sure you’ve signed up to the free version (at least).

PLEASE SIGN UP BY FRIDAY 19th NOON so we can mail the link :): https://nettskjema.no/a/153798

The whole point of this virtual writing seminar is to improve your writing skills, and to socialize and motivate each other. Above all, we want to create a constructive and interactive space for everyone to enjoy whilst working from the home office.

We will begin with some lectures on basic writing skills. These skills are very important to our academic writing! We will continue the virtual writing retreat with new exercises for you to discuss together in the brain warm-up sessions including smaller online discussion groups. We will also have two “shut-up-and-write” sessions for 2 hours and then get together to discuss progress.

Just like a “normal” writing retreat, participants will also have time to work on their own texts/articles/essays. Hopefully you are working on or planning something that you can bring to the seminar. If you are not writing anything specific, don’t worry! Mathew will work with you to ensure that you can put his tips and advice into action.

The schedule:

Monday June 22nd           

0900-1100:    Welcome, active voice and cutting the clutter.

Tuesday June 23rd

0900-0945:    Warm-up exercises

0945-1115:    Lecture and discussion on structure + flow

1115-1145:    Discussion and introduction to Shut-up-and-write

Wednesday June 24th

0900-0945:    Warm-up exercises

0945-1145:    Shut-up-and-write session

1145-1230:    Feedback discussion


1330-1430:    Individual group meetings

Thursday June 25th (Open for everyone)     

0900-1100:    "PostIT-bonanza: Structure your writing with interactive storytelling." Bring a pen, sticky-notes, a blank piece of paper and some coffee to an engaging workshop with science writer Åsmund H. Eikenes.

Friday June 26th   

0900-0945:    Warm-up exercises

0945-1145:    Shut-up-and-write session

1145-1230:    Feedback discussion


1330-1500:    Individual group meetings and evaluation discussion



If you have any questions, queries or suggestions, then do not hesitate to get in touch with

UiODoc about the event or Mathew about the content of the seminars.

UiODoc: info@uiodoc.no

Mathew: mathew@stillerreeve.no, +47 99532473

The instructor

Mathew Stiller-Reeve has a PhD in Meteorology and has published several peer-reviewed articles on the monsoon as well as interdisciplinary and communication issues. He founded the SciSnack writing group community in 2012 and helped start several writing groups around the world. He and 12 international co-authors published their collaborative writing process in 2016, and since then it has been used by summer schools and communication initiatives around the world. Recently, he has become a Thematic Editor of the Geoscience Communication journal and has developed a peer-review process that he recently published on Nature.com. He has held writing seminars and courses over the past 4 years, both in Norway and internationally. Mathew emphasizes how we apply basic writing skills to our academic writing, and not least, how we can improve our writing together!


Published June 14, 2020 11:04 PM - Last modified June 14, 2020 11:12 PM