PhD and Postdoc Breakfast Club (zoom edition): Giving and receiving feedback

Have you ever been hesitant to criticize somebody's work because you were afraid the wrong tone could hurt their feelings? Or felt like you just couldn't efficiently formulate what you "actually" wanted to say to really help someone thrive? Or have you been put off by feedback you received, which negatively impacted your motivation and well-being? In this week's PPBC, Koyote Millar will present available strategies to make life easier.

Poster that summerizes the PPBC event details on giving and receiving feedback.

Giving and receiving feedback is arguably one of the most important skills to have in academic environments and beyond. It happens everywhere and all the time and is not limited to our professional lives. Feedback can make crucial differences when it comes to forming relationships with people or contributing to the success of projects. Time to reflect on it more seriously! Join us with a cup of coffee and your favorite early morning outfit (no feedback here, we promise!). As usual these days, pandemic-compliant in front of your home office screen!

Koyote Millar works part-time as a Senior Adviser for the University of Oslo's Department of Administrative Support, with project management, process facilitation, coaching, and support for navigating transformative change. Outside of UiO, Koyote is self-employed as a Gestalt Therapist, poet, singer-songwriter, and performer. They have a background in social anthropology, philosophy, and gender studies, a long, complicated love affair with yoga and meditation, and a love of learning. You need not fear enforced chanting, group hugs, or embarrassing collective rituals during this Breakfast Club session.

Please register here to receive the zoom link (will be sent out via email one day before the event):
Please log in 5 minutes early (8:55) so we can ensure a smooth start :) 

Tags: PPBC, feedback, Koyote Millar
Published Feb. 18, 2021 9:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2021 3:55 PM