Seminar on Generic Skills in Research Education

UiODoc, in cooperation with SiN (Stipendiatorganisasjonene i Norge), invites you to a half day seminar about transferable skills in the research education. The seminar will consist of two parts, a main introduction to transferable skills in research education Dr. Janet Metcalfe Chair and Head of Vitae, and a panel debate with the main questions: what are the skills of a doctoral and post- doctoral candidate, and what kind of knowledge do we need?

Time Title  
09.30-09.45 Welcome to SiN AGM Undervisningsrom 1
Melania Borit, leader of SiN
09.45-12.30 SiN Annual General Meeting (AGM)  
12.30-13.30 Lunch  
13.30-14.00 Welcome and introduction of UiODoc Auditorium 2
Meryl Lillenes and
prorector Inga Bostad
14.00-14.30 Lecture about transferable skills
in research education
Dr. Janet Metcalfe (Vitae)
14.30-16.00 Debate about transferable skills Taran Thune (NIFU)
Melania Borit (SiN)
Inga Bostad (UiO)
Dr. Janet Metcalfe (Vitae)
Prof. at UiO TBA
16.15- UiODoc AGM and Tapas  

For more information about Vitae visit

UiODoc is the interest organisation for PhDs, postdocs and other young fixed term researchers at UiO. We hereby announce the annual general meeting (AGM) that will be held after the seminar, at 4.15 pm, in Kollegierommet at Lucy Smiths hus, 10th floor. We welcome all PhDs, postdocs and other young fixed term researchers at UiO to this meeting, with dicussion about our statutes, tapas and election of a new board!

SiN is holding their AGM at 9.30 am and all PhDs are welcome!

Please register at for participation to help our preparations. We hope to see you, and look forward to a great discussion!


Tags: academic, social
Published Nov. 9, 2014 5:12 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2014 7:00 PM