"Should I stay or should I go? International mobility opportunities for early career researchers"

In the UiODoc afternoon tea series, we invite our next speaker Anna Kolberg Buverud to talk about the international mobility of researchers and the opportunities provided by UiO.

International mobility may be streamlined for students, but as a PhD candidate or a postdoc researcher, there are no defined maps into the rest of the academic world. What opportunities are there, and how should you go about it - or is it actually better to stay where you are during this crucial (and busy) period in an early academic career? Anna Kolberg Buverud is a senior advisor in the Department of Research and Innovation administration. She has worked with international cooperation at UiO since 2002, and more specifically with international cooperation in the research training since 2009. She is part of the Research Leadership Programme team and has been involved in career support for early and mature career researchers for a decade.

As usual, tea, snacks and attendance are free to all PhDs and Post-docs, but registration is essential for catering purposes - so sign up via the link: https://nettskjema.no/a/271954

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 15th of June.



Published June 6, 2022 9:47 PM - Last modified June 6, 2022 9:47 PM