PhD and Postdoc Breakfast Club: Years not lost - How to stay attractive for industry while working in academia

The PPBC in April will focus on your future career in the industry and what you can do while you're still working in academia. Sign up and get valuable tips on how to promote your chances for a career in industry!

You do research at uni and love your work. However, you don't want to run into a dead-end street, being kicked out of the ivory tower in your early forties. Can you prepare yourself for a possible exit strategy, increasing your market value while working in academic research?

With this presentation we want to take a look at how you can make most out of your time at uni. What is it actually, that makes the employers out there keen to get to know you?

We´ll take a look at activities, which not only increase your market value, but which give you personal growth and which you will enjoy!

And your professor? She'll be happy with your extracurricular activities if she profits from having skilled staff. And if not? Then we can look at a couple of “sales strategies”.

About Philipp:

Philipp has studied and researched chemistry (>2600 citations, Google Scholar 2021) at five universities in Germany, Australia and Scotland. He gained experience in industry, first at baseclick, a biotechnology start-up and later at Eurofins Genomics as Teamleader R&D, QC and Analytics, being responsible for up to 22 staff. Since 2016, he is fully focusing on his work as co-founder of NaturalScience.Careers. He specialises in seminars and talks about career development, leadership and communicating science. Since 2016, he regularly writes career columns for Nachrichten aus der Chemie.

Sign up

Please register here to receive the zoom link (will be sent out via email one day before the event):

Please log in 5 minutes early (8:55) so we can ensure a smooth start :) 


Published Apr. 13, 2021 3:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 13, 2021 6:04 PM