PhD and Postdoc Discussion Lunch with UioDoc

We need PhDs and Postdocs to come and share their thoughts about how their experience of university services can be improved. Come for an informal group chat with UiODoc reps. FREE PIZZA LUNCH!!! Sign up here:

UioDoc reps: we are PhDs and Post-Docs who represent your views, and we can see if we can do anything about your suggestions and concerns! :)

So please drop in to have some food, share some thoughts in group conversations or individually, and we will see if we can plan events, or raise the issues with organisations.

Topics might include (but not limited to, as we are looking to be inspired by you) :

- welfare topics and provision for PhDs and postdocs;

- social events and provision for temporary staff;

- careers services provision;

- the international PhD and postdoc experience; 

- any other issues, concerns, event suggestions or questions that you think should be on our agenda for the coming months.

Thank you so much for your help in advance! The location has fabulous panoramic views (at the top of the humanities building) so it is worth attending just for that.


Published Feb. 13, 2019 2:59 PM