PhD and Postdoc Breakfast Club: Communicating your science - a practical guide

We start this new year with the latest and most interesting edition of PPBC! We are delighted to welcome Anna Kathinka Dalland Evans, a senior academic librarian at the UiO Library of Science and Medicine to share her valuable information on effective ways of communicating science.

The amount of new data and scientific articles published each year is astonishing and a challenge to keep up with.

This being a key requirement to progress in academic and professional careers, the pressure is high, especially on researchers still at the early stages of their careers. On top of this, researchers are ever more expected to communicate their science not just within the scientific community but with society as a whole.

Kathinka has worked with science communication for more than 15 years, as both a ph.d. student and a communications advisor. With this PPBC edition she will present effective and practical ways of communicating your science that will intrinsically help boost a researcher’s career, by maximizing the impact of their latest results, giving rise to new collaborations across sectors, contributing to their public profile and opening doors to unexpected opportunities.

So, we invite you to join us on Thursday 27th January, and learn some valuable lessons to take with you on your Ph.D. or PostDoc journey.

Remember, you need to register, so make sure to sign up via the nettskjema!


UiODoc and HumSam-biblioteket
Published Jan. 20, 2022 12:48 PM - Last modified Jan. 21, 2022 9:49 AM