PhD Breakfast Club: Translation of skills

Do you think the skills acquired during your PhD differs from the skills required to take the step beyond academia? Perhaps not. Get an introduction to the non-academic lingo in this seminar. 



08:30-09:00 Breakfast 
09:00-10:00 Translation of skills by Liv Stavsetra

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About the speaker:

Liv Stavsetra works as a senior researcher at Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) at Kjeller. Most of her time is dedicated to managing various research projects and creating new projects both with industry and academic partners. She has a PhD in Nuclear Chemistry from UiO, which she finished in 2005. After her PhD she did Post Doc work in California, before starting to work at IFE.  


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Published Dec. 18, 2018 3:53 PM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2018 3:53 PM