PhD Breakfast Club: Self-assessment: Where to start?

Do you recognise your training in transferrable skills during your doctoral education? If not, no one else will.


We invite you to make a start on exploring and expanding your awareness of your current qualifications, skills and hidden super powers. Along the way you might be inspired to practice certain skills more, add additional ones to your repertoire, and find new ways to bolster your tolerance for kryptonite - or at least be able to give some sort of meaningful answer to the age old question: "What are your negative qualities?" 


08:30-09:00 Breakfast in the cafeteria
09:00-10:00 Self-assessment seminar by Koyote Millar  

Register before Monday 19 at 15:00.

Sign up here

About the speaker:

Koyote works as a Senior Adviser for the University of Oslo's Department of Administrative Support, these days mostly with project management, process facilitation and various forms of coaching. Ze has a background in social anthropology, philosophy and gender studies. In addition to working for UiO, Koyote is currently training and practicing as a Gestalt Therapist, and likes to subject willing listeners to hir songs, music, poems and stories, and the use of gender neutral pronouns. You need not fear singing, group hugs or embarrassing collective rituals during this presentation.

Organized in collaboration with

Published Dec. 18, 2018 3:53 PM