PhD Breakfast Club: Three tools for making a successful poster


A great poster attracts attention and leads to exciting scientific discussions. But how do you make sure that you present your research in the best way possible? Science writer Åsmund H. Eikenes will present three hands-on exercises to clarify the main point, plan for a compelling story and create an engaging visual hierarchy.

Psst! This PhD Breakfast Club will include PostIT-notes.



08:30-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-10:00 Poster seminar by Åsmund H. Eikenes

Deadline for registering: Friday 16.11. at 15:00.

Sign up here

About the speaker:

Åsmund has a PhD from the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine at the Norwegian Radium hospital, and has worked as an advisor in the Cancer society and as a science journalist at In 2016 he published a book about the evolution, mechanics and biotechnology of the human hand, called Handboka - alt du vil vite om hendene dine, og litt til (Samlaget). In 2018 he published another popular science book called SPRUT – Historia om kroppsvæskene våre (Samlaget).

Picture of presenter

Organized in collaboration with

Published Dec. 18, 2018 3:53 PM