PhD Breakfast Club: CV

Join us for a free breakfast and learn about CVs. Do you know that there are different kinds of CVs? Do you know when to use which CV or what's the most practical layout?


This seminar will give you an introduction to the different kinds of CVs and when it's most appropriate to use the different kinds. You will also get tips and tricks on what to emphasize in a PhD CV for both academic and non-academic job applications. 


08:30-09:00 Breakfast 
09:00-10:00 CV

Sign up here


About the speaker:

Espen Kallevik works an adviser and course coordinator at the Career Services at UiO. He has long experience in lecturing about CV, LinkedIn and other tools that may help you land the job of your dreams. 

Organized in collaboration with


Published Dec. 18, 2018 3:53 PM