Social Event: Norwegian Folk Dance and Dinner 2023

UiODoc invites all members to our next social event: a Norwegian folk-dancing fiesta & dinner!

As we are reaching the end of the academic year, we are excited to invite you to our upcoming gathering with fun activities and delicious food.

two cartoon characters in traditional norwegian clothing, placed around the title of this upcoming event: Norwegian Folk Dance and Dinner!

Norwegian Folk-Dancing

The Norwegian Folk-Museum Dance Group will be at the Escape bar in full costume, ready to put on a special performance and give us some simple dance lessons that are sure to impress a few people next year at 17th May (or during any upcoming academic conferences).

The dancing will be followed by dinner, with food and drink provided, and then of course plenty of time for socializing, networking, and catching up with fellow PhDs and Postdocs. After many meetings catering more towards professional development in the past few months, this is an opportunity to have some fun and network with the inter-faculty PhD and Postdoc community.

We at UiODoc are excited to see you all on Monday 5th June to close the academic year in style!


Remember, you need to register to ensure we have enough food, so make sure to sign up via the link! 


See you on the dance floor!


Published May 25, 2023 11:59 AM - Last modified May 25, 2023 11:59 AM