Mental Health Week - Talk by Ingvild Mageli

10 October is World Mental Health Day! Its objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilize efforts in support of it. UiODoc would like to take this opportunity to provide a talk in regards to mental health for PhD and postdocs at UiO. Therefore, we invited Ingvild Mageli, a PhD in economics to give a talk about PhD struggles called “especially independent” which dives into psychosocial well-being aspects.

About Ingvild and the talk

My name is Ingvild Mageli and I am fourth year phd student at UiT – Arctic University of Norway. Besides research, I am a board member of SiN (Stipendiatorganisasjonene I Norge) where I work with mental health and other PhD related issues. The last year and a half has proven why this focus is necessary. With closed universities, and tight living conditions, PhD students have experienced a delay in their research. With only four (three) years time, a little lost time can cause a great delay, with ramifications for the individual career as well as the university. This talk addresses the issues a PhD student experiences, and how the pandemic exaggerated them.


The talk will be around 30min long afterwards we would like to invite everyone to a Q&A and some mingling.

Since mental health is a delicate topic, you may want to ask your questions beforehand anonymously here.

Also, check out UiO's website for Verdensuken for psykisk helse and their program!


UiODoc and SiN
Published Sep. 30, 2021 3:03 PM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2021 3:16 PM