Mental Health Week by UiODoc

October 10 is the World Mental Health Day! In relation to that, UiODoc will host two online events on Zoom in the same week focuing on mental health for PhDs and Postdocs.

First, on October 14, we'll have a talk by the senior adviser Kristine Mollø-Christensen at UiO'S Occupational Health Service. Next up, on October 16, is an interactive event with psychologist Maria Abrahamsen Østhassel, known from her social media accounts @PsyktDeg. 

Wednesday October 14, 1:00-2:00 PM 

Mental health in the workplace: insights for PhDs and postdocs


By Kristine Mollø-Christensen, senior adviser in the Occupational Health Service at UiO.

On Wednesday, we'll welcome Kristine Møllo-Christensen for a special presentation on problems faced by PhDs and postdocs at UiO, based on her experiences working for the UiO health service. 

Kristine works mainly with psychosocial work environment and sick leave-related matters. For many years she has held courses, had individual talks with PhD candidates / Postdocs and conducted surveys about PhDs' working environment. We are lucky to be able to profit from her experience during Wednesday's talk.


Location: Zoom

Register here:


Friday October 16, 1:00-2:00 PM  

PsyktDeg: What to know about and how to deal with burnout, stress and anxiety


By psychologist Maria Abrahamsen Østhassel.

Just two days later, on Friday, will be our second mental health-related event. There, Maria Abrahamsen Østhassel will have an interactive talk about how to deal with common mental health issues. 

Maria, psychologist in the community of Farsund and social media personality helps young people with mental health issues using Instagram and TikTok. As @psyktdeg she uploads funny but informative content to help everyone with struggles of every day life. Doing so, she takes up taboo topics and makes her way to normalise talking about mental health issues. As part of the World mental health day week she will give a talk about burnout, stress and anxiety where everyone is welcome to ask, share or discuss in an open and safe environment. Join us on for a casual round to fill you up with all the information you need about burnout, stress and anxiety. 


Location: Zoom.

Register here


Please login 5 minutes before the start of each talk at 12:55 so we can start smoothly.


Published Oct. 8, 2020 9:01 AM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2020 8:42 AM