PhD and Postdoc Movie Night! - Dr Strangelove

A chance to meet PhDs, Postdocs and other temporary researchers across the university! UiODoc is pleased to invite you to a public screening of "Dr Strangelove" and a social with FREE PIZZA (sign up below). Please come along and mingle! 

We will screen the movie at the Escape Cafe. 

Screening from 6:00pm!

BEFORE the movie we'll be providing FREE PIZZA from 5:30pm. Affordable beverages are available at the bar. Feel free to join us and mingle with your fellow researchers!

To ensure that you get, FREE PIZZA, PLEASE REGISTER HERE.

Everyone is welcome! Come to meet new people from across the university! 


Published Mar. 14, 2019 5:08 PM - Last modified Mar. 14, 2019 5:10 PM