Panel discussion: How does COVID-19 affect early career researchers and what can we do about it?

The pandemic, while still ongoing, has already had a dramatic impact on UiO activity and highlighted issues with implications that are yet to be fully grasped. This panel discussion is an attempt at opening up a UiO-wide conversation that will enable influential voices in the university research environment to share their experience and perspectives on this situation. Specifically, we will focus on: 

  • How does COVID-19 affect early career researchers?

  • What are the institutions doing to mitigate the impact?

  • What are foreseeable difficulties on the implementation of such measures?


On January 27 from 12 PM - 13:30 PM UiODoc would like to invite all PhDs and Postdocs to a panel discussion to highlight the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on both research in general and researchers individually including what we can do about it as an instution. To have a balanced discussion, we have invited the following participants:


  • Rector Svein Stølen (UiO)
  • Union representative Cecilie Wingerei Lilleheil (ForskerForbundet)

  • Leader of the Young Academy Ingrid Lossius Falkum (Akademiet for Yngre Forskere)

  • Student counsellor Linda Therese Sørensen Westgaard (ForVei)

Panel discussion

The panel discussion will start off with an introductory statement by every participant and will then be followed by a round table discussion led by a skilled moderator. In the end we would like to open the floor to the audience to ask questions and discuss those.

Sign Up! 

Please sign up for the event using this nettskjema (the zoom link will be shared via email):


Kind reminder: Please login approx. 5 minutes (11:55 AM) before the discussion so we can start smoothly.


Published Jan. 19, 2021 2:31 PM - Last modified Jan. 19, 2021 4:46 PM