Advisory Board

Christina Johannsen,  President
As a PhD candidate at the Department of Pharmacy, Christina works with targeted LC-MS analyzes of protein and peptides. Her project is part of the EU funded network “A4B” which is based on different aspects of therapeutic proteins. At the moment, she develops a smart sampling technique for blood samples. Christina was a PR Officer in the former board year of UiODoc and enjoyed looking into the various facets of the organization. She decided to run for president because she realized that PhDs and postdocs are a vulnerable margin at UiO which she will do her best to fight for. In her free time, she enjoys reading sci-fi or philosophy, playing video games and hanging out with friends.                                              
Olga Zlygosteva, Treasurer 

PhD Research Fellow at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Olga is a part of a PROCCA convergence environment - an interdisciplinary project aiming to create an excellent platform for collaborative efforts in proton therapy in Oslo. She is working on in vitro and in vivo assays for biological radiation responses of normal tissue models as well as on radiation dosimetry. The main interest is to understand the differential mechanisms due to biological responses from proton and X-ray irradiation and how biological short- and long-term side effects of radiation therapy can be reduced. She likes running, dancing, reading and traveling.


Vipin Kumar,  Representatives Officer

Post-doctoral fellow in computational biology currently working at NCMM (Faculty of Medicine). More specifically Vipin develops algorithms attempting to improve our ability to integrate and interpret various flavors of high-throughput sequencing data. Having had the opportunity to travel across continents through his studies, Vipin has grown to appreciate the value of exchanges among individuals with diverse experiences to convert seemingly elusive problems into fruitful endeavors. In that spirit, he aspires to adopt a similar attitude in both his work and activity at UiODoc. Vipin's role at UiODoc focuses on strengthening the relationship between our members and their representatives at the different levels of UiO administration. In his spare time,
Published Nov. 2, 2021 10:25 AM - Last modified July 1, 2022 2:59 PM