Previous events

Time and place: , Escape, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus (IFI)

Vær med på en psykologisk helaften med presentasjoner i Pecha Kucha formatet (20 slides à 20 sekunder)! 

Mer informasjon finner du her.

Time and place: , Psykologisk Institutt, Seminar room 1

A short summary of the passing year will be given, and a new board must be elected. Join PsyDoc and make it you own! It's fun, and doesn't take too much time. Lunch will be served.

Time and place: , Escape, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus (IFI)

Vil du vite mer om hva slags forskning Psykologisk Institutt driver med? På under syv minutter forteller våre forskere deg hva de brenner for.

Time and place: , Psykologisk Institutt

The young research staff at the department are generally apprehensive about talking to the media, in fear of not being correct or not feeling like "experts" in their own fields yet.

However scary it may be, we all need to face these fears at some point, after all, what is the point of research if no-one learns from it but you?

Time and place: , Gamle major

First annual (hopefully) picnic for all PsyDoc affiliates on June 18th at Frognerparken.

Venue changed to Gamle Major!

Time and place: , Psykologisk Institutt

It is time for another seminar and dinner for the Fellows at the Department of Psychology!  

April 30th

Seminar: 9:00-12:00 @ Psykologisk Institutt

Dinner: 18:00-24:00

Time and place: , Escape, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus (IFI)

Vil du vite mer om hva slags forskning Psykologisk Institutt driver med? På under syv minutter forteller våre forskere deg hva de brenner for.

Time and place: , Psykologisk Institutt, Seminar room 2

The young research staff at the department are generally apprehensive about talking to the media, in fear of not being correct or not feeling like "experts" in their own fields yet.

However scary it may be, we all need to face these fears at some point, after all, what is the point of research if no-one learns from it but you?

Time and place: , P. A. Munchs hus, rom 252, Blindern
Time and place: , Psykologisk Institutt, Seminar room 1

PsyDoc ble stiftet for ett år siden og det er nå på tide med vår første generalforsamling!

Kom og bidra med å gjøre arbeidsstedet vårt bedre!

Time and place: , Escape, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus (IFI)

Vil du vite mer om hva slags forskning Psykologisk Institutt driver med? På under syv minutter forteller våre forskere deg hva de brenner for.

Time and place: , Psykologisk Institutt, Seminar room 2

Does the thought of doing media interviews or communicating your research to a general public make your palms a little sweaty?  

The young research staff at the department are generally apprehensive about talking to the media, in fear of not being correct or not feeling like "experts" in their own fields yet.

However scary it may be, we all need to face these fears at some point, after all, what is the point of research if no-one learns from it but you?