Summer Picnic 2015

First annual (hopefully) picnic for all PsyDoc affiliates on June 18th at Frognerparken.

Venue changed to Gamle Major!

PsyDoc would like to invite you all to a casual picnic at Frognerparken on Thursdag the 18th of June, starting around 16 o'clock.


We will buy some grills and standard condiments (ketchup, mustard etc.) and you bring your own food and drinks. We'll also bring some blankets, but do please bring some too, so we all can have a comfortable place to sit.

We'll bring some games and try to set up some music, but really, the whole point is to relax and celebrate the coming of summer!

Contigency weather plan is now in effect.  We will meet at Gamle Major at Majorstuen, map is attached. They have food (for those wanting food) and good beer/drinks. Hope to see plenty there! Send me an e-mail if you are coming, so I can book a table.

We hope to see lots of you there, socializing is a great way to make difficult work more enjoyable!

Spread the word to coworkers and come along for an hour, two or ten!



Tags: Social, Picnic
Published June 9, 2015 11:22 AM - Last modified June 18, 2015 9:24 AM