Innkalling til RF-Regi Generalforsamling V24

Dato: 17.04.2024

Tid: After RFs general assembly

Sted: Vilhelm Bjerknes hus, Aud 1

Summons to General Assembly 


You are hereby summoned to the General Assembly in RF-Regi in Auditorium 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes’ house, Wednesday 17th April 2024 right after the General Assembly in Realistforeningen. 


Any proposed changes to the statutes, or other propositions that you want the general assembly to discuss must be delivered by Wednesday 10th April 2024. This is done by sending your suggestions to the mailing list 


This is also the main forum for discussions. During the general assembly we will try to keep any discussions short. We recommend everyone to join this mailing list, so that you can prepare yourself for the General Assembly. You can sign up here: 


Proposed Agenda: 

  1. Approval of the summons 
  2. Approval of the agenda 
  3. Election of moderator and a person to write the summary 
  4. Election of two people to sign the summary 
  5. Budget 
  6. Changes to the statutes 
  7. Accounts of the semester 
  8. Elections: 
    1. Leader of RF-Regi 
    2. Leader of the DJ group 
  9. Acclamation of representative from Realistforeningen 
    1. Realistforeningen’s chairman
Publisert 2. apr. 2024 22:47 - Sist endret 2. apr. 2024 22:48