About the PhD Council

The PhD Council acts as a representative body and mouthpiece for the PhD fellows at the Law Faculty and represent their interests in the Faculty's boards and bodies. The Council will also inform the PhD fellows about important issues that affect them.

The PhD Council serves as the representative of the PhD fellows in the Faculty, across disciplines and institutions, while helping to improve communication between fellows and faculty bodies. The PhD Council members are represented on the Faculty Board, the Program Council for Research Education, the Appointment Council for Academic Positions and the Gender Equality Committee.

Contact us if you have suggestions, comments or concerns you would like us to bring up before these organs. We gladly welcome your views on how your life as a PhD fellow can be improved.

The PhD Council of the Faculty of Law was formed at a general meeting in autumn 2009.


The PhD Council 2024  (general inquiries: stip-rad@jus.uio.no)

Maja Vestad (IKRS): Leader and representative on the Faculty board

Marit Heier Lajord (IFP): Secretary and depute representative on the Faculty board 

Marie Andersen Hulthin (NCHR): Representative on the Program Council for Research Education, and head of finance

Marina Hiller Foshaugen (IKRS): Representative on the Election Board (valgstyret), the Equality and Diversity Committee (LiMU), depute representative on the Faculty board (fakultetsstyret), and depute representative on the Program Council for Research Education (PFF)

Pernille Sandberg Drtina (IOR): Representative on the Appointment Council for Academic Positions (IVA)

Ole Boye (IOR): Social events and depute representative on the Program Council for Research Education (PFF)

Tags: Stipendiatrådet
Published May 20, 2015 7:33 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 11:06 AM