Harassment Warning Notices

If you have been exposed to sexual harassment or heard about/from anyone being exposed to sexual harassment, you have several options of giving a notice. If you are in doubt about whether you should send a warning notice or not, we prefer you do so anyway. We would rather receive an extra warning notice than to miss out on one.

How to notice

These people have signed a confidentiality agreement and are very willing to receive warning notices. Feel free to talk to them at any time or send them a message or an email.

  • Volunteer-coordinators: internansvarlig@rf.uio.no. May also be reached by putting a note into the letter-box at the end of the bar labeled “Internansvarlig”; the volunteer-coordinators are the only ones with access to this box. 
  • Chairman: formannen@rf.uio.no 
  • Responsible leader: Ask in the café/bar or look for a brown t-shirt.
  • A relevant leader of the relefant group in RF: E-mail may be found at https://foreninger.uio.no/rf/om/org/.

The message to the letter-box may be anonymous, however it is easier for us to follow up on it if it is not.

Those with a leadership position in Realistforeningen have all signed a confidentiality agreement, so you can talk to anyone you feel the most comfortable to talk to. This includes e.g. the Main Board, Masters of Beverage, Baffle Masters, leader of the bouncer group, etc.

Anonymous warning letters

If you wish to notice anonymously, you may also put a note into one of the letter-boxes by the end of the bar, but we cannot guarantee it would be followed up as well that way.

We are also in the process of putting up an online form for this purpose.

Other systems

How the case will be followed up on

All cases will be treated discreetly and professionally. For more information about how our internal routines work, their are available in Norwegian here: https://foreninger.uio.no/rf/om/org/generalforsamling/h22/protokoll/retningslinjer-ved-seksuell-trakassering---vedtatt.pdf. Ask us if you need any translation.

It is important to emphasize that the one being harassment has no responsibility or guilt in the vase. You do not need to be worried about losing your place in Realistforeningen by speaking out and you do not need to be worried about being looked down on by other volunteers in Realistforeningen. The case will be dealt with behind closed doors, and no-one other than the ones involved and the responsible will need to know anything.

Published Nov. 26, 2022 4:39 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2022 4:39 PM