Senior employee policy, retirement and pension

Senior employee policy at the University of Oslo

For several years Parat worked with the other unions to negotiate a good senior employee agreement with the university management. The result is the University of Oslo's Senior employee policy

If you think that you are not enjoying the rights to which you are entitled regarding the University of Oslo's senior political measures, please contact your local Parat representative in the matter.

The main senior political measures are:

a) The employer shall adapt the workplace and the working situation to your needs as a senior employee

b) The employer shall give you a senior appraisal interview when you reach the age of 60, to discuss your wishes and further ambitions as a senior, possible needs for competence development, etc.

c) From the year you reach 62 years of age, you are entitled to 12 additional paid free days per year. Please note that this comes on top of the extra vacation week all employees get when they reach 60 years of age.


How does one go into retirement? Read about how to go into retirement (called: Termination of employment)

The University of Oslo offers extended affiliation for retired employees on certain conditions. The University of Oslo also has a range of welfare offers to retired employees.
Read about extended affiliation and welfare offers.


Read --> Norwegian Public Pension Fund's (Statens pensjonskasse) pages

Published May 2, 2013 7:21 AM - Last modified Jan. 25, 2016 11:24 PM