Norwegian version of this page

Contact us

The NTL UiO office

  • Email:

  • Tel: +47 22 85 72 52 (Monday to Friday, 9–15)
    If no one answers the phone, you can send us an e-mail with a telephone number to, and we will call you back.

Rødt ikon som viser jordkloden

Union reps

Feel free to contact our skilled union reps who represent NTL on the units and UiO if you have questions or want to talk about something at your workplace.


NTL UiO's board meets approx. once a month and are elected by the annual meeting. 

Events and meeting

The event committee organizes seminars, lectures and other events for the members in the union. If you have suggestions for a meeting please contact the event committee.

Working at the NTL UiO office

Bilde av NTL UiOs røde fane, med leder av foreninga til venstre og nestleder til høyre


Moved or changed jobs?

You can change your contact information yourself on "Min side" ( or contact the membership department in NTL:

Insurances and LOfavør

Contact LOfavør if you have questions about what the insurance covers or want to report a claim.

If you want to take out or cancel an insurance, you can contact NTL's memberships department.


Contact The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (SPK) if you have questions related to contractual pensions (AFP).

In addition, NAV manages the pension you are entitled to under the National Insurance ("folketrygden").

Come visit us

Sem Sælands vei 24
Physics Building, Lower Ground Floor
0371 Oslo

Postal address

NTL Universitetet i Oslo
P.O. Box 1034, Blindern
0316 Oslo