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Your union at UiO

Demonstration train with people in various shapes, with a banner with "Holding together for the future" as text

Join the community

Anyone who works or studies at UiO can become a member of NTL. We work for salary increases and good working conditions for all our members. The Norwegian Civil Service Association, NTL, is one of the largest trade unions in the state with over 57,000 members and at UiO we have around 1,400 members. NTL is part of LO (The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions).

It pays off

Grønt ikon med mynter stablet

Those who are members of a trade union have better salary development than those who are not a member.  NTL works to reduce differences and ensure equal pay and real wage growth through central pay increase.

Read more about our pay policy

NTL for everyone

Grønt ikon med fire mennesker rundt et bord

All UiO employees and students can become members of NTL. We have members in all job categories, both academic and administrative employees, permanent and temporary employees.

If you are a student, you can become a student member of NTL Ung for only NOK 250 for the entire period of study. Read more about this at NTL Ung (

Stronger together

Grønt ikon som viser siluetter av tre mennesker, med tre stjerner plassert rundt dem

As an NTL member, you have a solid trade union and skilled union reps at your back when you experience problems in your working life.

You spend a third of your day at work. We belive it's worth fighting for that the time we spend working should be the best possible, and that we should do it standing together.


Member benefits

Benefits for NTL members

  • Representation and security regarding pay and conditions of employment
  • Co-determination in employment issues
  • Training free of charge organized by NTL, LO Stat and AOF
  • Legal assistance free of charge in employment-related issues
  • The right to apply for education grants
  • Norway's best home contets insurance and a competitive travel and legal insurance
  • A series of insurances and other products from LOfavør

LO's benefit program

LOfavør is the benefits program for members of a LO union, as NTL, and gives you access to a range of member benefits. With 1,000,000 members, we have the power to negotiate good and secure agreements for you in your private life.

LOfavør offers favorable insurance and banking services, discounts on holiday and cultural experiences, electricity contracts and legal services.

What does the membership cost?

Membership fee in NTL is 1,1% of your income. In most cases the fee is deducted from your pay, and to achieve this NTL regularly transfers membership information to employers. As a consequence, membership in NTL is not secret.

In addition to the membership fee you pay a premium for the collective LOfavør insurance schemes: Home contents insurance, which is mandatory, and travel insurance and legal insurance, which is optional. Check out this year's insurance premium costs.

You may deduct trade union membership fees from your taxes. The limit for this deduction is as of 2024 kr. 8000. Read more about this on the web pages of the Norwegian Tax Administration.