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NGT from 2004

Olesen, Odleiv; Blikra, Lars Harald ; Braathen, Alvar ; Dehls, John F.; Olsen, Lars ; Rise, Leif ; Roberts, David ; Riis, Fridtjof; Faleide, Jan Inge ; Anda, Einar 2004
Neotectonic deformation in Norway and its implications; a review.
NGT Vol. 84 (1)(): NJG_84_3-34.pdf

Bøe, Reidulv ; Longva, Oddvar ; Lepland, Aivo; Blikra, Lars Harald ; Sønstegaard, Eivind ; Haflidason, Haflidi; Bryn, Petter ; Lien, Reidar 2004
Postglacial mass movements and their causes in fjords and lakes in western Norway.
NGT Vol. 84 (1)(): NJG_84_35-55.pdf

Husebye, Eystein S.; Kebeasy, Tarek Rashad M. 2004
A re-assessment of the 31st of August 1819 Lurøy earthquake - Not the largest in NW Europe
NGT Vol. 84 (1)(): NJG_84_57-66.pdf

Braathen, Alvar ; Blikra, Lars Harald ; Berg, Silje S.; Karlsen, Frode 2004
Rock-slope failures in Norway; type, geometry, deformation mechanisms and stability.
NGT Vol. 84 (1)(): NJG_84_67-88.pdf

Laajoki, Kauko 2004
The Larajæg'gi outcrop - a large combined Neoproterozoic/Pleistocene roche moutonnee at Karlebotn, Finnmark, North Norway
NGT Vol. 84 (2)(): NJG_84_107-115.pdf

Kaminskas, Donatas ; Malmgren, Björn 2004
Comparison of pattern-recognition techniques for classification of Silurian rock from Lithuania based on geochemical data.
NGT Vol. 84 (2)(): NJG_84_117-124.pdf

Aarseth, Inge; Fossen, Haakon 2004
Late Quaternary, cryoplanation of rock surfaces in lacustrine environments in the Bergen area, Norway.
NGT Vol. 84 (2)(): NJG_84_125-137.pdf

Raunholm, Ståle; Larsen, Eiliv; Sejrup, Hans Petter 2004
Weichselian interstadial sediments on Jæren (SW) - paleoenvironments and implications for ice sheet configuration.
NGT Vol. 84 (2)(): NJG_84_91-106.pdf

Dypvik, Henning; Mørk, Atle; Smelror, Morten; Sandbakken, Pål T.; Tsikalas, Filippos; Vigran, Jorunn Os; Bremer, Gerd Merethe; Nagy, Jenö; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Faleide, Jan Inge; Gashawbeza, Mengisu Ba 2004
Impact breccia and ejecta from the Mjølnir crater in the Barents Sea - The Ragnarok Formation and Sindre Bed.
NGT Vol. 84 (3)(): NJG_84_143-167.pdf

Möller, Nicola K.; Gjelberg, John G.; Martinsen, Ole; Charnock, Michael A.; Færseth, Roald B.; Sperrevik, Susanne; Cartwright, Joe A. 2004
A geological model for the Ormen Lange hydrocarbon reservoir.
NGT Vol. 84 (3)(): NJG_84_169-190.pdf

Dreyer, Tom ; Bujak, Jonathan ; Brunstad, Harald ; Ramberg, Jørn; Søyseth, Lisbet 2004
Mixed deep- and shallow-water depositional model for the Forties Sandstone Member in the South Central Graben, North Sea.
NGT Vol. 84 (4)(): NJG_84_191-233.pdf

Hetherington, Callum J.; Nakrem, Hans Arne; Batchelor, Richard A. 2004
The Bjørntvet metabentonite: A new correlation tool for the Silurian of the southwst Oslo Region
NGT Vol. 84 (4)(): NJG_84_239-249.pdf

Røhr, Torkil S.; Corfu, Fernando; Austrheim, Håkon; Andersen, Torgeir 2004
Svwconorwegian U-Pb zircon and monazite ages of granulite-facies rocks, Hisarøy, Gulen, Westerm Gneiss Region Region, Norway
NGT Vol. 84 (4)(): NJG_84_251-256.pdf

McClellan, Elizabeth 2004
Metamorphic conditions across the Seve-Köli Nappe boundary, southeastern Trondheim region, Norwegian Caledonides: Comparison of garnet-biotite thermometry and amphibole chemistry.
NGT Vol. 84 (4)(): NJG_84_257-282.pdf

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