
Jussbuss provides free legal assistance in individual cases. Mainly, we provide oral guidance, but we can also provide written guidance and party representation in some cases. Jussbuss is working with the areas of law where we believe the need for legal aid is greatest. Amongst other areas, this includes immigration law, labour law, prison law, tenancy, social security and debt issues.

For more information about the different areas of law, please check this page, where you can also find brochures with information about the various areas of law. If you have a legal problem that does not fall within our areas of specialisation, we will still try to help by finding an organisation that can help you. Below, you can find a small overview of how Jussbuss works with individual legal cases.

Opening hours
Jussbuss receives new cases within our opening hours. Our office is open every Monday and Tuesday, and you can either drop by personally or give us a call. More information on how to contact us is available here.

In addition to our regular opening hours Jussbuss often visits prisons, adult education centres and other facilities to meet new clients. If you would like more information about the possibility for Jussbuss to visit your facility, we have collected some information here.

As all Jussbuss’ caseworkers are law students, we are normally not able to answer any legal questions immediately. During opening hours we will gather necessary information about you and your legal issue. We also gather information for statistical purposes. Based on the client’s wish and the information we gather, we will evaluate the legal aspects of your case.  Before we can give you any feedback, the conclusion will be supervised as described below.

Every case is supervised in groups to make sure clients are given the best legal advice. The group meetings are normally held once a week. Here, three generations of Jussbuss caseworkers will look into each particular case to make sure we are offering sufficient legal aid. However, if we have to refer you to another organisation you will be informed of this within a short amount of time.  

Areas of law
We have specialized in immigration law, labour law, prison law, tenancy, social security and debt issues. If we are asked about areas of law that we are not competent in, for instance family and inheritance law, we always help clients by referring them to other organisations that provide legal assistance within the particular area of law.

All Jussbuss employees are bound by professional confidentiality, and any personal data is stored in accordance with regulations.