Wound up and stressed out

- how to deal with stress and difficult emotions

A course for PhDs and Postdocs (members of NAR/Forskerforbundet) at UiO. 

The Norwegian Association of Researchers (NAR)/ Forskerforbundet at UiO is pleased to invite you to join a course on stress management. 

The course is open to members and potential members of NAR, so feel free to forward an invitation to colleagues who may be interested.

Emotions are our most important signaling system informing us about who we are, what is important to us, and what we need. However, emotions are often also confusing, painful and difficult to deal with, and being upset, stressed or overwhelmed can get in the way of what we want to achieve. So, how can we understand and deal with our reactions and feelings in a healthy way? What creates stress, what health aspects are associated with stress and how can it be managed?

In this course you will get information about, and tools for coping with, stress and difficult emotions. In addition, we will explore our own reactions through reflection and individual exercises. The course emphasizes some of the specific challenges as a PhD candidate, with a focus on taking care of one's own mental health through the doctoral work. If you are a Postdoc you are also welcome to participate. 

The course will be led by psychologist Victoria Forsberg. She works at the Institute of Psychological Counseling (IPR) in Oslo, and works with emotion-focused therapy (EFT) for individuals and couples. In addition, she teaches in psychology at Bjørknes University College, and gives various courses and lectures on emotion and stress management.


Registration for the course - Deadline 9th of March

Publisert 27. jan. 2022 09:24 - Sist endret 16. feb. 2022 07:48