Good news for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral fellow on short-term sick leave

PhD candidates and Postdoctoral fellow are now entitled to an extension also for short-term sick leave. – This is really good news. We have been working on this for a long time, and it is important for many PhD candidates and postdocs, says Guro Lind.

The Ministry of Education and Research has repealed the employment regulations section § 2-3, fifth paragraph, which established that the absence had to amount to at least two consecutive weeks in order to provide a basis for extended employment.


Read more on the Forskerforbundet web pages 


The Ministry of Education gives the institutions the opportunity to extend contracts due to absences of less than two consecutive weeks from the time before 1 July 2023. Forskerforbundet at UiO has requested that a new policy for extensions be put forward for discussion with the unions as soon as possible. We hope such a discussion will take place in October.

Publisert 21. sep. 2023 11:36 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2023 14:14