Final Results-Annual local salary negotiations (BCA 2.5.1)

Unio, Akademikerne and the University of Oslo have reached an agreement in this year’s salary negotiations. The parties have agreed that the entire salary settlement is to be distributed as a general salary adjustment of 5,47 %. The final protocol was signed on 11.09.23.  According to UiO, payment will be made on the October salary.

The abovementioned parties agree that it is important to ensure a good salary development for all our employees.

The general salary adjustment applies to employees covered by the agreement as of 1 May 2023. The 5,47% increase is based on the salary they have on 1 May.

Those who retire with a state pension, leave UiO, or are in a period of notice from UiO between 01.05 – 31.08.2023 are not included in this settlement. (Those who are on notice from UiO during the specified period and start in another position at UiO, are included in the settlement).

In this year's interim settlement, Unio wanted all our members to be guaranteed a very high general supplement given in per cent. This is to compensate for the lagging salary increases in the sector.  And to ensure that UiO recruits and retains important and highly competent employees, in competition with the private sector and other institutions within the HE- sector. At the same time, we must also take account of the rising inflation and increased loan interest.

The result shows that our demand was met!


Publisert 11. sep. 2023 15:00 - Sist endret 11. sep. 2023 15:00