Newsletter September

Researchers Night - The researchers' own talk show is held on 23 September at Litteraturhuset, and there are still available tickets. The theme is the ocean and ocean research, but also the researchers' own stories.

Registration for tickets 

Ongoing annual local salary negotiations - HTA 2.5.1.

We get a number of questions about salary negotiations and the new Basic collective agreement. We would therefore like to inform you that the negotiations are ongoing.  At UiO, they are scheduled to be completed on 31 October.

- We are negotiating for a general percent increase for everyone, of at least half of the pot

- We also negotiate individual claims sent in by our members

Both the general increase and the individual claims are effective as of 1 May this year. The process of back payment starts as soon as the protocol is signed in the beginning of November.

We will send you an e-mail with the results of the annual local negotiations as soon as we have signed the protocol.

Transition to a new salary system in the state

- For positions that have not previously been in the salary frame, there is no change.

- Positions that were previously on a salary frame are now on a salary ladder. Some on a short ladder (10 years) and some on a long ladder (16 years). In addition, there is a separate ladder for phd-fellows (up to 4 years with 3% per year). New salary system is based on seniority in position. This means that when you get a new job code, you start over on the salary ladder and that you are secured a new period of annual automatic increases.

Salary negotiations on special grounds- HTA 2.5.3.

The next deadline for submitting claims is by 11 November,

To be able to submit a salary claim, you must meet one of the following conditions:

 - Had a significant change in work tasks (which qualitatively require something more than before, and which are at a higher level) - HTA 2.5.3, 1a

 - Made an extraordinary effort (beyond what is expected in your position) - HTA. 2.5.3, 2

- Problems in recruiting or retaining specially qualified labour (for example, you have been offered a new job).

Publisert 22. sep. 2022 14:42 - Sist endret 22. sep. 2022 14:44