Newsletter for November

On Tuesday 2 November we signed the protocol for the local yearly negotiations at UiO (2.5.1-negotiations)

The Result of this year's 2.5.1 Negotiations

In May Unio (The Confederation of Unions for Professionals) and the State reached an agreement regarding wage negotiations.

In this agreement, all state employees has a wage increase through the central pay scale (a-lønnstabell). You can check your increase in the  Salary table from 1 May 2021 with increase per salary step (excel)

The parties involved also set aside an amount for local negotiations with effect from 1 July 2021. 

At UiO, the amount available for local negotiations was approximately NOK 57 million kroners. UiO and the major union federations (Unio, LO, YS) negotiate the distribution of this amount between employees who are trade union members as well as those who are not.

NAR’s local branch at UiO negotiated on behalf of all the more than 2100 Unio- members at UiO.

The Result in Kroner and Percent

This year Unio at UiO received many claims from our members. This is probably because the local negotiations in 2020 were postponed due to the pandemic. Unio has worked to restore the dynamics of the negotiations.

In this year’s negotiations, our focus was to ensure our members with higher education a good settlement locally.

658 of Unio-members received a salary increase. The increase given was on average NOK 45,129 per year. In total, Unio received approx. NOK 29.6 million. This accounts for  52.1% of the total amount available. Unio made 667 claims on behalf of its members and the employer made 466 claims on behalf of Unio members.  The highest success rates was for claims made by both Unio and the employer. This year 180 of Unio’s claims were not met.

The results show that Unio continues to do well in the local negotiations and that it pays to be member of a union.


Publisert 4. nov. 2021 09:45 - Sist endret 8. nov. 2021 12:37