Extention for RCN- PhD students and -Postdoctoral fellows at UiO - short deadline

Postdoctoral fellows at UiO (with funding from the Research Council of Norway) can, in the same way as PhD students, apply for an extension due to corona.

Illustrasjon: colourbox.com

The Ministry of Education and Research writes in a letter that the extension scheme that previously applies to PhD students, will now also apply to Postdoctoral fellows.

See UiO's information on extension for PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows.

  • PhD students, as well as Postdoctoral fellows who have less than six months left on their contract as of 12 March 2020  can apply for an extension.

The basis for applying for an extension for PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows is referred to as intrusive obstacles, including:

  • service in the health sector
  • ordering for service in the 15 defined areas critical to society
  • internal reallocation to e.g. teaching assignments that are not covered by
  • the duty share • delayed data collection and experimental activities
  • delays related to home office
  • in addition, it is a requirement for Postdoctoral fellows that the usefulness of such an extension is specified. As a general rule, it should be expected that the extension will make it possible to complete work (articles, patents, books, etc.) that is important for the candidate's future career opportunities.

Extension is normally granted for up to two months. Any extension beyond 2 months must documented separately. Breaks of less than 2 weeks' duration are not compensated.

In July, UiO issued information to the units on the internal application deadline for the faculties on 26 August. For fellows and postdocs who are affected, the deadline is earlier. Contact your manager for information on local deadlines.

Emneord: Forlengelse, korona, stipendiater, postdoktorer
Publisert 25. aug. 2020 16:27 - Sist endret 25. aug. 2020 16:40