Newsletter December


We wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! 

*Local salary negotiations in February* -
- January 16 is the deadline for members to submit a claim.

These negotiations are authorised in the BCA, clause 2.5.3. Negotiations usually takes place five times a year. The employer or the Union can demand to negotiate a new salary and/or change of position code, with important changes in the position’s responsibility and tasks.

To be able to submit a claim you have to meet one of the following requirements:

  • Significant changes to the employee’s tasks (the claim must be documented so that it is possible to measure the changes. What is crucial is that the employee is given tasks which demand something of a higher quality than before, and that the new tasks are on a higher level.) – BCA, clause 2.5.3,1a
  • Made an extraordinary work effort (beyond what is expected) – BCA, clause 2.5.3, 2
  • Problems in recruiting or retaining specially qualified labour.
    If the claim is based on recruitment considerations, it must be documented that there is a real risk of losing especially valuable expertise.

NAR put forward claims for their members:

Claims based on extraordinary effort or recruitment considerations are negotiated with the organisations, but in case of disagreement the employer’s last offer counts. If there are other reasons for you deserving a higher salary, the demand has to be negotiated in the local salary negotiations (clause 2.5.1).

Publisert 19. des. 2019 10:59 - Sist endret 19. des. 2019 10:59