Temporary positions and termination of employment

In recent years it has become increasingly common at the university that researchers are hired not on time-limited contracts, but in stead employed in permanent positions with time limited external financing. This raises a number of questions and issues that are difficult for us as employees to anticipate at the time of employment. In this seminar, lawyers from our union will help us understand the issues surrounding termination of employment and our legal rights when facing this situation. All members of Akademikerne are welcome, but the seminar is of course most relevant to researchers in these kinds of positions.

Akademikerne-UiO logo


  1. Welcome and brief introduction, Øystein Prytz

  2. About Akademikerne and the member unions, Sarah Younes (Main union representative)

  3. Temporary positions and termination of employment, Anniken Fuglerud and Cecilie Fauchald Rygg, Tekna Legal Department

  4. Questions and discussions

Light refreshments will be provided.


Registration for the event in nettskjema



Published Mar. 11, 2022 12:30 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2022 1:36 PM