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Workshop in Media communication and Presentation skills

Does the thought doing media interviews or communicating your research to a general public make your palms a little sweaty?  

The young research staff at the department are generally apprehensive about talking to the media, in fear of not being correct or not feeling like "experts" in their own fields yet.

However scary it may be, we all need to face these fears at some point, after all, what is the point of research if no-one learns from it but you?

We are hereby inviting you to take part in a full day workshop specially tailored for PhD students and PostDocs, at the Department of Psychology on August 20th from 9:00 to 14:00 (free lunch + coffee).

  • Write press releases that makes journalists jump out of their chairs in excitement
  • Make the excited journalist understand what your research really is about
  • Get confidence to give media interviews aimed at the general public
  • Communicate your scientific contributions as one coherent and engaging story in less than 7 minutes (with the PechaKucha 20 x 20 format – see below for more info)

In a practical session, you will be challenged to find new ways to communicate your work, and learn techniques that can help you overcome creative hinders and hang-ups.

PechaKucha Oslo, a worldwide forum for creative communication of ideas, will teach you how to tell ONE story REALLY well, using their format of 20 slides of 20 seconds each. This format is restrictive, but at the same time freeing, and forces the speaker to focus on the take-home message.

Following the workshop we will arrange an official Powered by PechaKucha- event, complete with sparkling wine and mingling. Here, students, staff and the general public will be invited to listen to YOUR PechaKucha presentation. The event will take place in mid-September (date to be announced), and will not only give you an opportunity to practice your presentations skills, but also to learn what your fellow researchers are currently excited about and share your enthusiasm and insight with the rest of the department.

(see Aftenposten for more information in Norwegian).


So sign up - click here!


Tags: Workshop, Communication
Published June 30, 2014 3:08 PM - Last modified June 30, 2014 3:11 PM