Oslo PsychScience - Part I

Do you want to know more about the research conducted at the Department of Psychology? In one evening, some of our researchers share their interests and ideas in less than 7 minutes.

An evening with short presentations intermixed with a relaxed atmosphere. Between 10 and 12 researchers will talk about their research in the acclaimed PechaKucha format, which gives them 20 slides of 20 seconds each to tell the story about their research. The confinements of this format enables them to describe their research in a clear voice and with a clear story.

The evening will be divided in two parts with talks, with the first part starting at 19:00. The remainder of the evening will be spent relaxing and mingling!


The first 70 to arrive will be given a drink to welcome them.


The bar at Escape will be open so you are able to enjoy something nice to drink throughout the evening. The bar has student-prices. 

There is also a facebook event page!



19:00 - 19:30

Thomas Schubert - Assoc. Prof. -  Kama Muta

Susie Fu - PhD fellow Bedring ved schizofreni (Norwegian)

Athanasia Monika Mowinckel - PhD fellow - How did I get here? 

Gro Hege Haraldsen Nordbye - PhD fellowMultifaceted responsibility (Norweigan)


20:00 - 20:25

Ann-Marie de Lange-Glasø - PhD fellow - Hope of ageing brains (Norwegian)

Egil Nygaard - Post-doc fellow - Hvordan går det med ungdom som ble utsatt for blandingsmisbruk før de ble født?

Øystein Olav Skaar - PhD fellow - Raw and honest



“Powered by PechaKucha” events are one-off events that are separate from regular city-based PechaKucha Nights, and are usually held as part of festivals and conferences, but can also act as standalone events. These events include presentations that use the PechaKucha 20 images x 20 seconds format.
Find out more at PechaKucha.org.



Tags: OsloPsychScience, Communication, PechaKucha
Published Sep. 29, 2014 9:20 AM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2014 9:20 AM