Generalforsamling for PsyDoc 2014

PsyDoc was established a year ago and it's time for our first general assembly!

Come and make our workenvironment even better!

It is time for the first annual General Assembly for the PsyDoc interest organization. A year has gone by since PsyDoc was started, initiated by Torgeir Moberget.
Mie and I have, with the help of the occasional other fellow, so far arranged a couple of Payday Pints, workshops and seminars. The largest event so far has been the "Oslo PsychScience - Powered by PechaKucha" event, which we are currently planning again for the start of the spring semester.

As stipulated in our mandate, we are to hold yearly elections for the board of PsyDoc. There are several seats that are needed to be filled, for several reasons.
We have seats for external fellows, international fellows and Post-docs that have yet to be filled.
Also, both Mie and I are planning semesters abroad in 2015, meaning we need others to keep the good work going!
Work with the organization need not take too much of your time, it's fun, you get to known more of your colleagues, and it looks good on your CV!

We also propose opening the organization to those employed at the Department that are in "recruiting positions" for fellowships. There are several research assistants and research technicians that have been active in the organization, although they do not have an official capacity in it. Their work has been paramount for some of the organizations work and are holding positions which commonly lead to PhD fellowships.

Other addendum can be suggested via e-mail or at the end of the general assembly.

Lunch will be served at the assembly, and is followed by Payday Pints after work hours for those wanting to join.
Please send an e-mail if you plan to attend, so we can order enough food.

Date:      Friday November 14th
Time:     11:30-12:30
Place:    Department of Psychology, Seminar room 1

17:00     Drinks at Gamle Majoren (Majorstuen) 


Tags: Communication, Workshop
Published Oct. 31, 2014 11:14 AM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2014 11:14 AM