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John Kruschke workshop at the department in Bayesian statistics June 4th to 6th

John Kruschke, author and blogger, is holding a workshop in Bayesian statistics at the Department. If one is interested in getting hands-on experience and guidance in Bayesian statistics, this is a great opportunity. The workshop is free for PhD's and post-docs at the University, and the department will award 1 ECT towards "free methods" for PhD fellows with confirmation of workshop participation.

The mathematician John Kruschke will be coming the the Department of Psychology to hold a 3 day course in Bayesian statistics. The last couple of years, more and more researchers are becoming aware of the difficulties regarding classic nullhypothesis significance testing. These statistics limitations have lead to greater focus on more robust approaches to qualntitative analyses. Bayesian statistics are not a new concept, but have become more applicable with the emergence of computers with larger processing capacities. 

The course require familiarity woth commandbased statistical software (R will be used) and bringin a MacBook/laptop. A prerequisite is also to install certain software on your machine, this is all described in his website.

Signing up to the workshop here, and any questions can be sent to Prof. Hans Olav Melberg

Tags: Statistikk, Metode, Kurs By Athanasia M. Mowinckel
Published May 19, 2014 3:28 PM - Last modified May 20, 2014 9:20 PM